The Magic of Reading


Despite closures due to COVID-19, library system continues providing educational opportunities online

  • Jeremy Yates, special projects coordinator for the Putnam County Library System, is hosting a Harry Potter book club online.
    Jeremy Yates, special projects coordinator for the Putnam County Library System, is hosting a Harry Potter book club online.
  • Archivist Mischa Johns tells Japanese children stories as part of the Putnam County Library System’s fun summer activities.
    Archivist Mischa Johns tells Japanese children stories as part of the Putnam County Library System’s fun summer activities.
  • Positively Putnam FL
    Positively Putnam FL

The Putnam County Library System may be closed, but that hasn’t stopped it from providing local children with a sense of wonder and imagination.

Every library branch in Putnam shut its doors last week because of the rising coronavirus numbers reported in the county. 

Jeremy Yates, special projects coordinator for the Putnam County Library System, said the fun and educational opportunities won’t stop with the closures. 

The libraries are offering a variety of activities for children, such as reading missions that can be done online at When the libraries reopen, prizes will be offered for children who complete those challenges. 

“Kids who have come here every summer for the summer reading program would be disappointed if we did nothing, and the parents, too,” Yates said. “We want to try to make sure they have a sense of normalcy in all of this.” 

He is hosting a Harry Potter book club with potion-making and special challenges to entertain viewers during every chapter of the first book. 

Yates said the idea of the programs was to stimulate children’s education and creativity. A virtual story time and craft is offered for kids as old as 11. The crafts are made with basic items found around the house, but craft bags can also be picked up at each library branch Tuesday through Friday. 

Library Archivist Mischa Johns said the Palatka branch alone has given out 30 craft bags. She is hosting a six-part “How to” podcast series about playing and creating tabletop games. She said she loves old games and wanted to share the information locally. She and Yates are also teaching people how to play Dungeons & Dragons through online videos. 

“They’re very simple games to play at home and they’re kind of the basis for games today,” Johns. “We still play games like Sorry or Connect 4 that are based off these ancient board games.”

Yates said the library is planning more activities throughout the summer including a cursive writing boot camp and a “How to” festival to teach life skills. 

Through, residents can find e-books, summer activities for kids and the latest updates regarding the library’s coronavirus response. 

Overdue library fines are canceled until the library reopens and the library will have one more fine-free month after the reopening. The due date for books and library materials was extended but if residents can return their items, it is encouraged. 

The materials will be cleaned and quarantined for three days before checked in again. 

The library can still be reached for questions at 329-0126 despite the closure. 

“Parents, if they’re social distancing at home, may be running out of ideas of things to do with kids to entertain them,” Yates said.

“They need stuff to do to keep their minds engaged. …This is about making sure we’re still stimulating (children’s) imagination.”